Scene I
Location: Kitchen
Purpose: to show Granny's rejection to the chip
1. Mom is in the kitchen taking the items out of the grocery bags.
2. Granny is surprised and shakes her head in sadness and disappointment
3. Mom points to chip
4. Mom walks to granny with the bread
5. Granny slaps it down
6. Mom looks down and covers her face
7. Granny leaves
Scene I
Location: Living Room
Purpose: to establish the Christian faith of the family
1. Granny enters the living room to see the children(Son and Daughter) seated on the ground with the Bible
2. They hand the Bible to granny
3. Granny pulls out her glasses and puts them on her face
FULLSCREEN: The Bible with words of Jesus in red
Scene II
Location: Kitchen
Purpose: to show the beginning process of the sick chickens and for the entire family to reject the chip
1. Daughter cracking eggs
2. Son enters with a sick chicken
3. Granny frying egg
4. Son Granny and Daughter gather together to look at the sick chicken
5. Mom is peeping behind the door
6. Mom enters and points to the chip
Location: Dining Room
Purpose: to show the little food the family has and the abundance the mom has and that they still stick to their beliefs.
1. Everyone eats small portions of green food
2. Mom pushes food to Granny and Daughter
3. Granny and Daughter push the food back to Mom
4. Mom tries to give sample on fork to Son
5. Son waves it away from his face
6. Son stands up and leaves
Scene III
Location: Chicken Coop
Purpose: to show that all of the chickens are now dead
1. Son enters the Coop
2. He sees all of the chickens are turned over dead
3. There is one chicken who is struggles to stand up
4. Son picks up the struggling chicken
5. He sits down inside of the coop with the sick chicken
Scene III
Location: Granny's bedroom
Purpose: to show that the entire family is sick
1. Granny is in her bed
2. Daughter is sitting on her bed reading the Bible
FULLSCREEN: The Bible with words of Jesus in red
Scene IV
Location: Granny' bedroom Chicken Coop Backyard
Purpose: to show Mom lamenting over her decision of the chip
FADE TO Granny's Room
1. Mom enters the frame from the left and walks across and stops
2. She looks at Granny and Daughter
3. She touches her chip
4. Her head droops in sadness and she walks across the screen.
5. Granny's Room Slides off and the Chicken Coop slides on
6. Mom walks across the screen and droops her head down
7. A few tears drop off of mom's face
8. Chicken Coop slides off and the Backyard slides on
9. Mom walks into the backyard
Scene IV
Location: Stump and Ax
Purpose: to show that Mom is sorrowful of her decision and that she needs to rid herself of the chip
1. Mom picks up the ax
2. She raises it into the air
3. Tears come down from her face
4. The ax comes down