Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Four Questions

How long and for what reason have I been making art?
What are my sources for my ideas?
What do I most want to develop a better sense of?
What skills am I bringing to this course?

Since entering high school, I've been producing art. The majority of it was sketches and master copies of other artists' works. It was nothing I was really serious about until my junior year of high school where I had my first art class. We did a lot of basic work, prep work, developing a style of our own, and it wasn't until towards the end of that year I received a version of Adobe Photoshop Elements. I was really excited about it, experimenting with color interactions and textures, it was the first time I had really done something digital. I fell in love with the program and created a series of abstract pieces. I think that because I had my own copy of the software, I became really interested in digital art which developed into a strong interest for animation. From animation I geared more to cinematography and started working on creating my own projects. A lot of my pieces, relate to ideas, stories and objects that I am really interested in. They are usually subjects that I have been thinking about, or researching for months in advance. For example, this semester I'll be focusing on the Christian aspect of the end times and the time of the apocalypse. Especially, since these are the times we are living in, but this is also a topic I've been working on all summer long. One thing I want to develop is a sense of accomplishment throughout the semester instead of just having a satisfaction in completing an assignment. During the summer, I've really pasted together the ideas that I want to work on, so now, instead of just putting together a project for the sake of having it done, I will have something that looks well and that has a greater meaning. In addition, I really want to explore more AfterEffects and what it can do. Though I have the basic work, there are a couple things I want to explore such as creating objects from the ground up, and to explore the effecty side of the program. Through this, I know I'll feel more comfortable in knowing what I can do, what AfterEffects can do, and that whatever crazy idea I have I can pretty much make come true. I really want to explore more with live action footage, since I haven't done a great deal of that. I'll be bringing in a lot of sketches, and real world objects. I'm also fond of photography, recently I have entered into a mild geese obsession.

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